Watch for Kids – Back to School Safe Driving Tips
September 14, 2012

Photo: iStockphoto
Our second post from the CAA Ontario team answers your questions about a very timely and important subject: Driving safely for back to school season.
With kids headed back to school and summer winding to an end, we want to remind drivers to be extra vigilant when on our streets and be on the lookout for our children walking to school. Parking lots can sometime be the most treacherous of areas with many items obstructing our vision. This month, CAA answered a few questions about properly securing and your vehicle in different parking situations for the safety of everyone.
Q: Is there a preference as to whether you should back into a parking spot or not?
A. Backing into a parking stall is actually safer because your biggest blind spot is behind your vehicle. There is less chance that small children will be in the parking spot you are backing into than in the isle of the parking lot you would be backing out of.
Q. When parking on hilly streets near school zones, what should you keep in mind?
A. When parking up hill you should turn you wheels to the left. If for any reason the car slips out of park the front wheels will settle against the curb and stop. For parking on a downhill slope the opposite is the correct answer. Turn your wheels to the right and the vehicle will again settle against the curb. Both ways it will prevent the vehicle from striking oncoming traffic or pedestrians.
More back to school safety tips for drivers:
- Slow down in school zones
- Be ready to stop at all times
- Always try to make eye contact with kids waiting to cross the road
- Stop for school buses when lights are flashing
For back to school safety tips for kids and parents, visit:
- CAA Ontario