Monthly Poll: Can You Get Around Without Your GPS?
January 29, 2015

I've not had the best relationship with in-car GPS systems. As I shared previously, my GPS thought making a U-turn in the middle of a busy freeway as well as driving a mountainous one-lane hairpin turn road instead of the regular two-lane highway were good ideas.
That GPS is history (good riddance!), but I'll admit I have warmed up to GPS apps (like Google Maps and Apple Maps) on my iPhone. In fact, every time I visit my brother in Victoria, I have to pull out the GPS - even though I've been to his place several times, the weird, windy and one-way roads of BC's fair capitol get me all turned around.
An article on Lifehacker suggests that I'm actually making it worse for myself by continuing to use my GPS apps. Their advice: print out the directions complete with street names and landmarks. That will help reinforce them and I won't need the GPS. Maybe I'll try that next time. But I will also make sure my iPhone is full charged and the address pre-programmed into Google Maps .. just in case.
So, how about you? Can you get around without your GPS? Would you use a non-technology alternate to an in-car or smartphone app GPS? Or are you like Lynne Martin (author of "Home Sweet Anywhere") who has named her GPS (coincidentally named Victoria) and takes it with her on all her world travels? Take our poll below!
- Rose R.
Just bought a Honda Touring with a fancy GPS system. Fingers crossed they have the wrinkles ironed out!
Posted by: Alexandra LeMay | January 31, 2015 at 01:01 PM