Not just the taxes: other factors that contribute to the fluctuating price of gasoline
Moving Energy Across Canada

Grab Those Helmets: May is Motorcycle Safety Month

Guys - the sun is out, the weather is warm, spring is here and calling my name. Time to start planning picnics, BBQs and camping trips. And time to get out our summer drives. My motorcycling pals are especially keen to hit the open road. I'm not a biker myself, but I have often envied them .. so free and breezy.

And then, to be fair, I sometimes curse them .. especially when I'm coming back from a weekend in the Interior and I'm sitting in bumper to bumper traffic and they WHOOSH by either on the shoulder or between the two lanes of traffic. It's so dangerous, it really concerns me - both for my safety and theirs as well!

According to Transport Canada's National Collision Database, fatalities of motorcyclists has declined since 2015 (latest data available is from 2017), even while the number of registered motorcycles and licensed motorcycles has gone up. So I guess those reckless riders are declining.

I imagine that part of that decline is due to the good work of the folks at the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC). Their mission is to be the voice of motorcycling in Canada and create a better riding experience for all Canadians.

One of their main programs is the annual Motorcycle Safety Month, coming up in May. They have created a wealth of materials for riding clubs and other interested parties to raise awareness of good riding practices. They encourage their members to take the pledge and share it on social media and with their friends and family.  The pledge addresses four audiences: the motorcyclists, the passenger, the motorist and friends/family. Here are the pledges for the motorcyclist and the motorist:

As a Motorcyclist
I pledge to make safety a priority, to ride only when alert and fully prepared for the responsibility of motorcycling. I pledge to ride within my limits, ride sober, obey traffic laws and make arriving alive my greatest priority.

As a Motorist
I pledge to treat motorcyclists with respect by always looking twice, using turn signals, checking my blind spots before switching lanes and eliminating distractions while driving. I pledge to act as if a loved one is riding on each and every motorcycle I see. I promise to drive like their life depends on me, because ultimately, it may.

So important for all of us to take to heart as we move into that summer driving season! Do you ride? What do you love most about it? Share your motorcycling tales in the comments!


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